Managing Student Conduct on the Bus
Most students observe the rules and keep the bus safe and orderly. But what about the few that break the rules and endanger the safety and well being of the rest of the students.
We use positive behavior techniques to manage student conduct on the bus
Drivers know the names of each student and greets them by name
Drivers call out students when they demonstrate positive and safe behavior
Drivers frequently provide feedback to parents
Students are assigned seats based on grade level and other factors
When necessary, drivers call out students that are demonstrating unsafe or disruptive behavior. The students will be asked to sit, use voice level 2, stay out of the aisle, etc. If the behavior continues, the student will be moved to a front seat.

If the behavior continues or escalates, the driver will submit a Transportation Student Referral form. The form provides specific information on the nature and severity of the behavior. It also triggers assistance for the driver to control and modify the behavior.
Transportation Referral Form

The form goes to the Transportation Liaison who will review the information and determine the course of action.
If the safety of the bus is at risk, the Liaison may enact an emergency bus suspension to allow for the situation to be evaluated. The safety of our students is priority one!
Typically, the Liaison will pull video from the bus and review the incident
The school administrator will be contacted to coordinate action
Parents will be contacted and may be asked to come in to meet to discuss the incident
The Liaison and/or school administrator will meet with the student
Actions may include a warning, in school consequences, seat assignment, or a bus suspension
The student and parent may be required to sign the back page of the referral form acknowledging bus conduct rules before riding the bus again
Bus suspensions are a last resort but may be necessary for students that are putting the safety and well being of the other students at risk
3944 320th Ave. NE
Carnation, WA 98014
Tel: 425-844-4540