Ten Simple Rules for Staying Safe on the Bus
Listen to the driver and follow their instructions
Do not distract the driver
Stay seated facing forward. Keep your hands to yourself
Backpacks on your lap or on the floor
Be repectful. Use kind words and actions
Keep the aisle clear. Do not lean out in the aisle
No load noises. Voice level 2
Do not bring dangerous or prohibited items the bus
No eating on the bus. Water only
Windows open no more than halfway. No body parts out of the window

Staying Safe Waiting for the Bus
Arrive 5 minutes early
Stay out of the roadway and off private property
Classroom behavior
Staying Safe Getting On and Off the Bus

Stay in line and get on the bus one at a time
At school, stay seated until your driver tells you it is time to depart
No pushing or shoving. Use the handrails
Stay out of the danger zone​

Walk directly off the bus and at least 15 feet away from the bus
Never walk behind the bus or directly in front of the bus
Always be on the look out for passing cars